Meet the homeopath

Hey there! I’m Marisa Hissong the homeopath behind Mother Bloom Collective. I'm passionate about helping clients with their hormonal imbalances and working with couples to improve their fertility. Throughout my own journey of unexplained infertility, I searched for every natural and holistic option under the sun and was still left with no solution. It wasn’t until I came across homeopathy that my world was changed forever.

A little background on me, I have 8 years of experience in pharmaceutical sales studying a variety of medications and working with multiple specialists like OBGYNs, dermatologist, endocrinologist, pediatricians... and the list goes on. Throughout my employment, I learned the ins and outs of conventional medicine and truthfully, the business behind healthcare, something I had never given much thought until I experienced it first hand. 

I quickly realized how most conventional medicine works to suppress unwanted symptoms, but rarely addresses the root of the problem. This set me on a journey to really understand how the body operates and ultimately how to get to the root cause of dis-ease within the body.

While working in pharmaceuticals, I went back to college to attain a nutrition degree and learn more about how food impacts the overall health of a person. Although I learned the significant impact food has on the body, I still knew there was more to this puzzle. After all, humans are physical, mental, and emotional beings so I continued on with my education. I like to think of health in layers and I was continuing to peel back different layers to reveal the root. This led me to the work of Dr. Ray Peat, Dr. Weston A. Price, and Morley Robbins. 


Dr. Ray Peat and his research regarding the metabolism and hormones; the key idea that energy and structure are interdependent, at every level

Dr. Weston A Price and his research on all things ancestral & traditional foods; he was a dentist who studied different populations to discover the factors responsible for good dental health, as our standard diet began to change so did dental health and overall health of human population

Morley Robbins for his research in understanding the intricate relationship between magnesium, iron, copper, and calcium

When my husband and I were ready to have children we never imagined taking the road we did to get there. I'd say we live a pretty healthy and low toxic lifestyle so I was expecting it to happen quickly for us, but it wasn't the case. You would think after all my health education, research, and experience I would be able to find answers to the unexplained infertility we were experiencing, but I was still left scratching my head. I truly believe in the power of nature and our bodies ability to heal when given the right support, I just needed to find exactly what that “support” was going to be.
After a long journey of working with naturopaths, functional medicine practitioners, and doing all the things to improve our overall health, I finally stumbled across homeopathy, but I was skeptical. I felt like I was very knowledgeable in the holistic health space and didn't hear many people talk about homeopathy so I thought I wasn't missing much. After all, I felt like I had tried everything under the sun, surely I would've came across homeopathy sooner had I thought it would have a profound impact, but truth is, I just didn't understand it so I continued to push it to the side. At my whits end of this journey I finally thought, what do we have to lose? I was out of options at this point. If you've struggled with fertility you know what I'm talking about. I was done analyzing what the problem could be and researching possible solutions, but something told me to just give homeopathy a try.

I finally dove into all things homeopathy and along the way I saw thousands of overwhelmingly positive testimonies that gave me hope, something I thought was long gone at this point. Once I had a better understanding of what homeopathy was and how it worked, I finally decided to find a homeopath to help us with our situation. Long story short, after my husband and I took our individual protocol for one month I fell pregnant. From that day forward, I devoted my career to helping others on the search for solutions to infertility and hormone imbalance. 
I went on to study homeopathy and become a homeopath with a special interest in fertility and hormones. All this to say, had I not experienced infertility, I would have never found homeopathy, something I'm most passionate about now! If you're on a journey of searching for answers related to infertility and hormonal health and you feel like you're always coming up short, have hope! The body is designed to heal it just needs the right environment and support to do so and I hope I get the chance to offer that to you!

Thanks for stopping by, I hope to meet you soon! Keep blooming!







Fertility Protocol

Hormones Protocol